Note to self after having to do this a couple of times. If I need to install WinXP from a USB memory stick, the absolute no-brainer way to do it is WinToFlash . The keyword here is no-brainer , because there are tons of tutorials out there that require you to have a rocket science degree and a PhD to follow. Not so for WinToFlash. Run the program, point the source path to the WinXP install files, point the target path to the USB memory stick and click a button. Then go for a cup of coffee and you are done. Here is how it looks during bootup: Option 1 is for the first bootup where you get into the text mode setup, configure and format your partition and copy essential files. Option 2 is for the second bootup where you actually see the Windows XP splash screen and then it starts to configure devices and settings. I have no affiliation with the company that produces the software. It has a free, ad-supported version if you are a casual user. There is also a personal, professiona