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Showing posts from March, 2020

Filament Joiner Part 2 (With Display and Knob)

Thanks to the current corona-virus crisis, the parts I ordered for the filament joiner project were taking forever to arrive. But now that they have finally arrived, I can put them to good use. These were the parts ordered: 0.96" OLED display SSD1306 Rotary switch encoder KY-040 Here is the final circuit diagram: The OLED display is connected to the SDA and SCL pins of the Nano (A4 and A5 respectively), and powered by 5V and GND. The rotary switch encoder is connected as follows: VCC => 5V GND = > GND CLK => D9 DT => D8 SW => D2 My prototype board now looks like this: The updated code for driving the knob and display is available in  heater-with-display.ino in the Github repository . We now have a fairly compact (about 7cm x 5cm) and independent filament joiner (no need to connect to PC) that is driven solely by a 12V power supply. Here's how to use it to join printer filaments. More usage details in my previous post .