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Update: Line adapter for Ozito Blade Trimmer

Update (Dec 2021): If you access to a 3D printer, I would now recommend this solution, which makes it super easy to replace the trimmer line. I have been using it for a few months now with zero issue.

An update on using ordinary trimmer line for the Ozito battery trimmer. I finally found a super easy and robust way to do so. No need for any 3D-printed adaptor, which is simply not strong enough to withstand the amount of force we are dealing with. You should be able to start immediately with common tools that you already have.

These are all the material/tools you need:

  • 2.4mm trimmer line
  • 0.75mm wire (just use any thin wire you have lying around)
  • flat nose plier
  • cutter (or scissors, to cut the trimmer line)
Cut off a length of trimmer line about 18cm long and fold in the middle. Cut off a length of wire about 8cm long and wrap around the trimmer line near the top, creating a loop. The wrap should be tight enough to just stop the trimmer lines from sliding, but you should still be able to reduce the size of the loop by pulling on the ends of the line.

The orientation of the wire wrap as shown in the photo above is important, because it prevents the wire from slipping off during operation. If you wrap the wire around the trimmer line, my experience is the wrap will slide off in operation no matter how tightly you think you have wrapped the wire due to the immense centrifugal force generated during operation.

Now place the loop around the blade holder where the plastic blade usually goes, and pull the ends of the trimmer line, thus causing the loop to tighten around the blade holder.

Finally, tighten the wrap by giving the ends of the wire a few twists with the plier. Straighten the trimmer lines by pulling them towards the mud guard and trim off any excess. 

Note that there is no need to straighten the trimmer lines before use. During operation, the immense centrifugal force will do the job for you.

Once you have done this once or twice, it takes only a minute to put a new length of trimmer wire on. In addition, unlike the plastic blade which randomly disconnects from its holder when it hits something hard and flies off, the trimmer line attached this way has always stayed on during my past year of use. Conclustion: it cuts way  better than the plastic blade, and requires less frequent replacement.

I have had this Ozito trimmer for over 5 years now, and it is still going strong. Over the past year, this new technique has giving it a new lease of life and makes it even easier to work with and cheaper to maintain!

PS: I have also tried using zip ties and found them to be unsuitable. 1) Trimmer lines are made with composite nylon, which makes them stronger and more resistant to abrasion. Zip ties simply don't have that kind of strength. 2) Thicker zip ties have about 5mm thickness, which does not fit into the blade holder. The thinner zip ties (eg. 2.5mm thickness) are simply to wimpy to be used for the task.


  1. What about just using the galvinized wire?

  2. Tried it, can't make it work. You will have to twist it somehow to secure it to the blade holder. This will cause it to develop mechanical stress at the twist point, and it will snap off quite readily when it is put to use.

    I didn't blog about this, but if you have access to a 3D printer, I am currently using this solution:

    Works beautifully without any hassle.

    1. Hi, could you recommend 3d printing svcs that can print that solution, been looking for one in Sydney but so far seems to cost buying a new blade trimmer altogether. Thanks!

    2. Don't have any recommendations, 'cos I haven't used one before. Maybe try Facebook Marketplace for someone nearby so you can save on postage, which is a killer!

  3. Very, very good, I did it and it worked perfectly, thank you


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